Hugh Prudden (1929 – 2015), who knew everything about the geology of Somerset, compiled a bibliography of references to Somerset geology up to the year 1997. That is what is given below. There are other lists giving references for each year since then but these have, as yet, not been integrated with Hugh Prudden’s list. It is to be hoped that they will be put online, in some fashion, in the future.
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A selection from
Hugh Prudden
in alphabetical order of authors, but not titles
Copies of all except the items marked with an asterisk* are held by either the Somerset Studies Library or the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
You can download the original file from HERE.
June 1997
“Alabaster” in Mining Rev (1837) 9, 163*
“Appendix II: geology” in SHERBORNE SCHOOL. Masters and Boys, A guide to the neighbourhood of Sherborne and Yeovil (1925) 103 107
“Blackland Iron Mine” in Somerset Ind Archaeol Soc Bull (Apr 1994) 65, 13
Catalogue of a collection of antiquities … late Robert Anstice (1846)*
Catalogue of the library of the late Robert Anstice, Esq. (1846) 3 12
“Charles Moore and his work” in Proc Bath Natur Hist Antiq Fld Club (1893) 7.3, 232 292
“Death of Prof Boyd Dawkins” in Western Gazette (18 Jan 1929) 9989, 11
“A description of Somersetshire” in A description of England and Wales (1769) 8, 88 187
“Earthquake shocks in Somerset” in Notes Queries Somerset Dorset (Mar 1894) 4.25, 45 47
“Edgar Kingsley Tratman (1899 1978): an obituary” in Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist (1978/79) 123, 145
A fascies study of the Otter Sandstone in Somerset*
“Fault geometry and fault tectonics of the Bristol Channel Basin ..” in “Petroleum Exploration Soc Gr Brit field trip” (1988)*
A few observations on mineral waters .. Horwood Well .. Wincanton (ca 1807)
“Ham Hill extends future supplies” in Stone Industries (1993) 28.5, 15*
Handbook to the geological collection of Charles Moore … Bath (1864)*
“[Hawkins’ sale to the British Museum… libel case v Charlesworth]” in Mag Natur Hist n ser (1840) 4 – Appendix, 11 44*
“The inverted strata of the Mendips” in Geol Mag (1875) 2, 566*
“Lias exposed in two quarries at Barrington” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1921) 67.2, 72 75
“Mendip mining laws” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1868 69) 15.2, 1 5
“Monoliths form EC circle of stones” in Stone Industries (1992) 27.10, 13*
“A new marble from the Mendips” in Stone Industries (1993) 28, 9*
“New quarry face for Blue Lias [sic] production” in Stone Industries (1991) 26.5, 47*
“Obituary: William Ayshford Sanford” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1902) 48.2, 122 125
“Puzzle of the stones” in Stone Industries (1992) 27.10, 24*
“Radon hazard” in British Geological Survey 1992 1993 Report (1993) 29*
“Somerset blue” in Stone Industries (1990) 25.9, 24 25
“The stone trade” in Reminiscences of life in the parish of Street… (1977) 8 9
The story of peat (1988)
“Thomas Charles Maggs (c1824 1900)” in Geol Curator (1985) 4, 225 226*
“The Trevelyan Collection (including elephant tooth from Doniford)” in Somerset County Gazette (9 Sep 1882) 10
A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters … (1607)
“Uncertainties over Doulting” in Stone Industries (1993) 28, 10*
Wookey Hole (1975)
The wonderfull sincking of certen grounde in the parish of Worley (1594)*
ACLAND, Thomas Dyke, “On the farming of Somersetshire” in J Roy Agric Soc (1850) 11.2, 666
ADKINS, Lesley, ADKINS, Roy, “Excavations at Ham Hill, 1991” in Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist (1991) 135, 89 94
ALABASTER, C, “The minerals of Mendip” in Somerset Mines Res Group J (Jul 1982) 1.4, 1 52
ALABASTER, C, WILSON, D, “Volcanic clasts in the basal inferior oolite of East Mendip” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1974) 34, 73 75
ALABASTER, C, “Iron manganese mineralization at Merehead Quarry, Eastern Mendips” in Proc Ussher Soc (1975) 3.2, 236
ALABASTER, C, “Plattnerite from the Bristol district” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1985) 45, 17 22
ALABASTER, C, “Melanotekite from the Bristol district” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1985) 45, 11 16
ALABASTER, C J, “Some copper, lead and manganese minerals from Merehead Quarry” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1974) 34, 76 104
ALABASTER, C J, “Post inferior oolite mineralization at Whatley Quarry” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1975) 35, 73 84
ALEXANDER, T M W, “The peat industry in Somerset” in International Peat Symposium, Dublin (1954)
AL JASSAR, S, HAWKINS, A B, “The Carboniferous Limestone of the Bristol area …” in Quart J Engineering Geol (1991) 24, 143 158
ALLEN, F J, “Dulcote Hill and quarries” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1907) 53.1, 29 30
ALLEN, J R L, “The post glacial geology and geoarchaeology of the Avon wetlands” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1990) 50, 28 46
ALLEN, N, GIDDENS, C, “Treborough slate quarry and conservation area” in Exmoor Rev (1983) 24, 23 29
ALLEN, N V, Churches and chapels of Exmoor (1974)
ALLOWAY, R M M, Cheap coal? … with an appendix on peat … (1874)*
AMALGAMATED ROADSTONE CORPORATION, “The quarrying industry on Mendip” in HALL, W G, Man and the Mendips (1971), 109 118
AMBROSE, T, ROMANO, M, “New Upper Carboniferous Chelicerate (Arthropoda) from Somerset” in Palaeontology (1972) 15, 569 578*
ANDERSON, L I, “Xiphosaurans from the Westphalian D of the Radstock Basin …” in Proc Geol Ass (Oct 1994) 105.4, 265-275
ANDERSON, M G, “The role of topography in controlling throughflow generation” in Earth Surface Processes (1978) 3.4, 331 344
ANDERSON, M G, CALVER, A, “Exmoor channel patterns in relation to the flood of 1952” in Proc Ussher Soc (1982) 5, 362 367
ANDERSON, R J, DAVIES, B E, NUNN, J H, JAMES, P M C, “The dental health of children … environmental cadmium and lead” in Brit Dental J (1979) 147, 159 161*
ANDERSON, R J, DAVIES, B E, “Dental caries prevalence and trace elements in soil …” in J Geol Soc London (1980) 137, 547 558*
ANDREWS, J T, GILBERTSON, D D, HAWKINS, A B, “The Pleistocene succession of the Severn Estuary …” in J Geol Soc London (1984) 141, 967 974*
ANDREWS, Peter, Owls, caves and fossils … (1990)
ANSTICE, R, “Letter on Arragonite on the Quantock Hills” in Trans Geol Soc 1 ser (1821) 5, 613*
ANSTICE, R, “Letter accompanying a specimen of Arragonite … Quantock Hills” in Ann of Phil (1818) 11, 67*
ANSTICE, Robert, “Notice of the discovery of some fossil bones near Bridgwater” in Trans Geol Soc 1 ser (1821) 15.5, 611*
ANSTIE, John, “The coalfields of Gloucestershire and Somerset” (1873)
APSIMON, A M DONOVAN, D T TAYLOR, H, “Late glacial and post glacial deposits of Brean Down, Somerset” in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1960 1961) 9.2, 67 136
ARKELL, W J, “Three complete sections of the Cornbrash” in Proc Geol Ass (1954) 65.2, 115 122
ASHURST, John, PRICE, Clifford, ROSS, Keith, “Surface treatments, part 2: the cleaning … of limestone …” in ASHURST, John, DIMES, Francis G, Conservation of building and decorative stone (1990) 2, 169 184
ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, ANDREWS, P, “Somerset Archaeology 1977: Westbury Middle Pleistocene Project” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977 1978) 122, 121 123
ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, “Somerset Archaeology 1977: Dunball Brickworks, Puriton” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977 1978) 122, 147
ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, “Somerset Archaeology 1977: Southfield brickyard, Taunton” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977 1978) 122, 147
ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, WARD, A P, “Somerset Archaeology 1977: limekiln survey” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977 1978) 122, 148
ATES, A, KEAREY, P, “Deep structure of the East Mendip Hills from gravity … data” in J Geol Soc London (1993) 50, 1055 1063*
ATES, A, KEAREY, P, “Structure of Blackdown Hill pericline, … from gravity … data” in J Geol Soc London (1993) 50, 729 736*
ATKINSON, T C, DREW, D P, “Underground drainage of limestone catchments in the Mendip Hills” in GREGORY, K J, WALLING, D E, Fluvial processes in instrumented watersheds (1974) 87 106
ATKINSON, T C, “The dangers of pollution of limestone aquifers” in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1969 1971) 12.1, 281 290
ATKINSON, T C, SMART, P L, ANDREWS, J N, “Uranium series dating of speleothems: Rhino Rift” in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1984) 17.1, 55 69
ATKINSON, T C, Hydrology and erosion in a limestone terrain (Bristol PhD thesis) (1971)*
ATKINSON, T C, “Water tracing on Mendip” in J Wessex Cave Club (Aug 1970) 11.130, 98
ATKINSON, T C, “Diffuse flow and conduit flow in limestone … Mendip Hills” in
J Hydrology (1977) 35, 93 110*
ATKINSON, T C, SMITH, D I, DAVIS, J J, WHITAKER, R J, “Experiments in tracing underground waters in limestones” in J Hydrology (1973) 19, 323 349*
ATKINSON, T C, DREW, D P, HIGH, C, Mendip Karst hydrology project (Wessex Cave Club Occ Pub 2 ser 1) (1967)
ATTHILL, Robin, “Industry” in ATTHILL, Robin, Mendip: a new study (1976) 145 179
AUSTIN, R, “Note on a fissure in the Quantock Hills near Merridge” in Trans Geol Soc (1821) 5, 613*
AUSTIN, Thomas, “On the occurrence of Otopteris in the Lower Lias” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc 2 ser (Apr 1867) 2.4, 43 45
AVERY, B W, The soils of the Glastonbury district of Somerset (1955)
BADHAM, J P N, BAYERLEY, M, LLEWELLYN, D J, “A new geological model to explain the gravity gradient … Exmoor” in J Geol Soc London (1977) 133, 385 393*
BAKER, Ernest A, BALCH, H E, The netherworld of Mendip (1907)
BAKER, Henry, “Mr Henry Baker … an … at Taunton … 1 July 1757 [recte 1747?]” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1750) 46, 689*
BAKER, P G, COPP, C J T, “Terebratulide affinity of the brachiopod `Spirifera minima’ Moore” in Palaeontology (Nov 1975) 18.4, 879 882
BAKER, W, “Geology of Somerset” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1851) 1.2, 127 139
BAKER, W, “Cannington Park Limestone” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1852) 3.2, 125 132
BAKER, W, “The Williams Museum” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1852) 3.1, 5 8
BALCH, H E, “Dulcote Quarries” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1933) 79.1, 59 60
BALCH, H E, “The smaller caves of the Dinder district” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1933) 79.1, 61 65
BALCH, H E, “Excavations at Wookey Hole and other Mendip caves, 1926 7” in Antiq J (Apr 1928) 8.2, 193 210
BALCH, H E, Mendip: Cheddar, its gorge and caves (1947)
BALCH, H E, Mendip: the great cave at Wookey Hole (1947)
BALCH, H E, Mendip: its swallet caves and rock shelters (1937)
BALCH, H E, Wookey Hole: its caves and cave dwellers (1914)
BALCH, H E, The caves of Mendip (1926)
BALCH, H E, Fourteen years at the Badger Hole (1971)
BALCHIN, W G V, “The erosion surfaces of Exmoor” in Geogr J (1952) 118, 453 476
BAMBER, A E, “The Avonian of the Western Mendips … Cheddar Valley to the sea” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc 4 ser (1923) 6.1, 75 91
BARNWELL, E L, “Orchardleigh stones” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1875) 21.1, 40 44
BARRETT, C R B, Somersetshire: highways, byways and waterways (1894)
BARRINGTON, N, STANTON, W I, Mendip: the complete caves (1977)
BARRINGTON WARD, M J, STONE, J F M H, “A scientific visit to Cheddar” in Trans Clifton Coll Sci Soc (1872) 2, 18 30*
BARRY, Charles, DE LA BECHE, H T, SMITH, William, SMITH, Charles H, Report … selection of stone … the new Houses of Parliament (1839)*
BARTON, C M, Geology of the Stalbridge district … (BGS Technical Report WA/90/21) (1990)
BARTON, C M, IVIMEY COOK, H C, LOTT, G K, TAYLOR, R T, The Purse Caundle Borehole … (BGS Technical Report SA/92/01) (1993)
BARTON, C M, Geology of the Milborne Port district … (BGS Technical Report WA/89/60) (1989)
BASS, K T, ISHERWOOD, C W, “The foundations of Wimbleball dam” in J Instn Wat Engrs Scientists (May 1978) 32, 187 197
BATEMAN, “The roadstones of Somerset and Wilts” in Trans Civil Mech Eng (1888/89) 76*
BATES, E H, “Leland in Somerset 1540 1542” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1887) 33.2, 60 136
BATES, E H, “Pen Selwood” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1904) 50.2, 50 67
BATES, E H, “Whitstone” in Notes Queries Somerset Dorset (Dec 1898) 6.44, 145
BATTEN, E C, “Centenary of William Smith” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1892) 38.2, 351 361
BEALE, J, “The ingenious reflexions relating to medical springs .. considered” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1670) 5, 1154*
BEALE, J, “Concerning a salt spring at East Chenock” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1670) 5, 1128*
BEALE, J, “Some promiscuous observations made in Somersetshire …” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1666)*
BEALE, J, HIGHMORE, Nathaniel, “A brief account of a salt spring in Somersetshire, by Dr H …” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1669) 4, 1130*
BEALL, B S, “The Writhlington phalangiotarbids …” in Proc Geol Ass (1991) 102, 161 168*
BEAUMONT, John, “A further account of some rock plants growing in the lead mines ..” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1683) 13.150, 276*
BECKETT, S C, HIBBERT, F A, “Vegetational change and the influence of prehistoric man …” in New Phytol (1979) 83, 577 600
BECKETT, S C, “Palaeobotanical investigations at the Difford’s 1 site” in Somerset Levels Pap (1978) 4, 101 106
BEER, K E, TOMBS, J M C, Geochemical and geophysical investigations in Exmoor .. Brendon (BGS Mineral Reconnaissance Programme Technical Report WF/90/6) (1987) *
BEER, Phoebe, ROTTENBURY, F J, “Iron ore mines of central Exmoor” in Rep Trans Devonshire Ass (1974) 106, 271 272
BENTLEY, John, “Blue Anchor sea defences” in Somerset Ind Archaeol Soc Bull (1983) 33, 2 (also in W Som Archaeol Natur Hist Soc News 8)
BERZELIUS, A, “New ore of lead” in Ann of Phil 2 ser (1824) 8, 151*
BESSA, J L, HESSELBO, S P, “Gamma ray character and correlation of the Lower Lias, SW Britain” in Proc Geol Ass (Apr 1997) 108.2, 113 129
BIDGOOD, W, “Cannington Park quarries” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1877) 23.1, 60 62
BIDGOOD, William, A guide to the museum … in Taunton Castle (1879)
BILLINGSLEY, John, General view of the agriculture of the county of Somerset (1797)
BINDING, Hilary, STEVENS, Douglas, Minehead: a new history (1977)
BIRD, M J, ALLEN, D J, Hydraulic conductivity measurements … Carboniferous Limestone ..” (BGS Technical Rep WD/89/57) (1989)*
BISHOP, Michael J, The mammal fauna of the … cavern infill … Westbury sub Mendip (Palaeontol Ass Spec Pap Palaeontol 28) (1982)
BLANFORD, W T, [Obituary: T. Hawkins] in Proc Geol Soc Lond (1890) 46, 48*
BLEASDALE, A, DOUGLAS, C K M, “Storm over Exmoor on August 15, 1952” in Meteorol Mag (Dec 1952) 81.966, 353 367
BLUHM, R K, A bibliography of the Somerset coalfield (Library Assoc thesis) (1968)
BOARD, M E, “The lead mines of Mendip” in Somerset Countryman (Apr 1937) 7.2, 43
BOLT, A V C, Slope morphology … Quaternary hydrodynamics … north Somerset (Aberystwyth Ph D thesis) (1984)*
BOLTON, Herbert, “On the occurrence of a giant dragon fly in the Radstock coal …” in Quart J Geol Soc (1914) 70, 119 127*
BOND, J, “Glastonbury Abbey Barn: south east porch” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1988) 132, 251 256
BONNEY, T G, “On the relation of certain breccias to the physical geography …” in Quart J Geol Soc (1902) 58, 185 206*
BOOMER, Ian, “Lower Jurassic ostracods from Ilminster, Somerset, England” in J Micropalaeontol (Jun 1992) 11.1, 47 57
BOSWELL, P G H, A memoir on British resources of sands … used in glass making (1916)*
BOULTER, M, “A species of compressed Lycopod Sporophyll … Upper Coal Measures” in Palaeontology (1968) 11, 445 457*
BOULTON, W S, “On the igneous rocks at Spring Cove, near Weston super Mare” in Quart J Geol Soc (1904) 60, 158 169*
BOWEN, John, A brief memoir of the life and character of William Baker, FGS (1854)
BOWMAN, A C, “The search for coal at Chard” in Somerset Mines Res Group J (Jul 1983) 2.1, 20 25
BOWYER, M O’N, KELLY, P G, “Strain and scaling relationships of faults and veins at Kilve” in Proc Ussher Soc (1995) 8, 411 415
BRADSHAW, R, HAMILTON, D, “Conjugate gypsum veins at Blue Anchor point” in Bristol Natur Soc (1966) 31.3, 305 310
BRADSHAW, R, FREY, A E, “The geology and evolution of the Avon Gorge” in Bristol Natur Soc (1987) 47, 45 64
BRADSHAW, R, “Bristol diamonds” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1967) 31.4, 439 450
BRADY, H B, “On the foraminifera of the Middle and Upper Lias of Somersetshire” in Rep Brit Assoc (1864) 50*
BRICE, Seward W, The coal field of North Somersetshire (1867)
BRIGGS, D, “Rocks, plants and landscape” in Nature in Somerset (1993) 8 11
BRIMSON, W F, “Geology of the Axbridge district” in J Axbridge Caving Gp Archaeol Soc (1952) 1.1, 16 17
BRISTOW, C R, COX, B M, PRUDDEN, H C, CALLOMON, J H, PAGE, K N, “Temporary sections in the Kellaways … of the Wincanton area” in Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist (1992) 136, 213 220
BRISTOW, C R, COX, B M, WOODS, M A, PRUDDEN, H C, SOLE, D, …, “The geology of the A303 trunk road between Wincanton … and Mere” in Proc Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc (1991) 113, 139 143
BRISTOW, C R, WESTHEAD, R K, Geology of the Evercreech Batcombe district … (BGS Technical Report WA/93/89) (1993)
BRISTOW, H W, “Remarks on the prospects of coal to the south of the Mendips” in Geol Mag (1871) 8, 500 505
BRISTOW, H W, “Search for coal near Wells” in Wells J (12 Oct 1871) 1159, 3
BRISTOW, H W, “On the Rhaetic or Penarth Beds of the neighbourhood of Bristol …” in Geol Mag (1864) 1, 236 239*
BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, “Boreholes, 1973” in Rep Inst Geol Sci (1974) 74.7*
BRODIE, P B, “Notes on a section of lower lias and rhaetic beds, near Wells” in Quart J Geol Soc (1865) 22, 93 95 (also in Geol Mag 3*)
BROOKE, Justin, The Brooke index
BROOKS, M, HILLIER, B V, MILIORIZOS, M, “New seismic evidence for a major geological boundary …” in J Geol Soc London (1993) 150, 131 135
BROOKS, M, BAYERLY, M, LLEWELLYN, D J, “A new geological model to explain the gravity gradient … Exmoor” in J Geol Soc London (1977) 133, 385 393
BROOKS, M, TRAYNER, P M, TRIMBLE, T J, “Mesozoic reactivation of Variscan thrusting … Bristol Channel ..” in J Geol Soc London (1988) 145, 439 444
BROOKS, M, “Geophysical investigation of deep structure … Bristol Channel ..” in Proc Geol Ass (Dec 1987) 98.4, 397 398
BROOKS, M, JAMES, D G, “The geological results of seismic refraction … Bristol Channel” in J Geol Soc London (1975) 131, 163 182*
BROOKS, M, THOMPSON, M S, “The geological interpretation .. gravity survey .. Bristol Channel” in J Geol Soc London (1973) 129, 245 274*
BROOKS, M, AL SAADI, R H, “Seismic refraction studies of … structure in … Bristol Channel” in J Geol Soc London (1977) 133, 433 355*
BROWN, D H, “The lichen flora of the lead mines at Charterhouse” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1973) 32.3, 267 274
BROWN, W J, Contributions to the geomorphology of west Dorset & south Somerset (University College, London, Ph D thesis) (1966)*
BROWNE, A J J, “Geology of the country round Chard” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1903) 49.2, 12 22
BRYANT, Ian D, KANTOROWICZ, John D, LOVE, Charles F, “The origin and recognition of … carbonate cemented horizons …” in Marine Petroleum Geol (1988) 5, 108 133
BRYANT, T C, “The Hollow Hills of Brendon” in J Wessex Cave Club (Mar 1980) 16.180, 7 13
BUCHANAN, James, “On the cephalopoda and the oolite sands of Dorset and Somerset” in Quart J Geol Soc (1873) 29*
BUCKLAND, W, “On the occurence of agates … in the Mendip Hills” in Trans Geol Soc London 2 ser (1835) 3, 421-432* (also in Proc Geol Soc (1834) 1*)
BUCKLAND, W, CONYBEARE, W D, “Observations on the South Western coal district of England” in Trans Geol Soc London 2 ser (1824) 1, 210 316*
BUCKLAND, W, Reliquiae diluvianae … (2nd ed) (1824)
BUCKLAND, William, “An account of the assemblage of fossil … in the Mendip Hills …” in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1822) 112, 209*
BUCKMAN, J, “Cephalopoda bed and oolite sands” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1874) 20.2, 140 164
BUCKMAN, J, “Geology of Somerset in reference to agriculture and rural economy” in J Bath West Agr Soc (1868) 16, 108 133
BUCKMAN, J, “The Cephalopoda beds of Gloucester, Dorset and Somerset” in Quart J Geol Soc (1877) 33, 1 9*
BUCKMAN, J, “On a series of sinistral gastropods from Somerset and Dorset” in Proc Dorset Natur Hist Antiq Fld Club (1879) 3, 135 140
BUCKMAN, J, “On the so called Midford Sands” in Quart J Geol Soc (1879) 35, 736 743*
BUCKMAN, J, LOBLEY, J Logan, “Excursion to the Yeovil district” in Proc Geol Assoc (1870 71) 2, 247 250
BUCKMAN, S S, “The brachiopoda from the inferior oolite of Dorset and .. Somerset” in Proc Dorset Natur Hist Antiq Fld Club (1881) 4, 1 52
BUCKMAN, S S, “The relations of Dundry … during part of the Jurassic period” in Proc Cotteswold Natur Fld Club (1889) 9.4, 374 387
BUCKMAN, S S, “The Bajocian of the Sherborne district …” in Quart J Geol Soc (1893) 49, 479 522*
BUCKMAN, S S, “On the Cotteswold, Midford and Yeovil Sands … Lias and Oolite” in Quart J Geol Soc (1889) 45, 440 473*
BUCKMAN, S S, “The ammonite zones of Dorset and Somerset” in Geol Mag 3 ser (1891) 8, 502-504* (also in Rep Brit Assoc (1891) 655 656*)
BUCKMAN, S S, “On the correlation of the Bath Doulting strata with … Dorset” in Quart J Geol Soc (1907) 63, 424 426*
BULLEID, A, “Murtry Hill stones” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1911) 57.1, 36 38
BULLEID, A, “Ancient trackway in Meare heath” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1933) 79.2, 19 29
BULLEID, A JACKSON, J W, “Burtle sand beds of Somerset” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1937) 83.2, 171 195
BULLEID, A JACKSON, J W, “The Burtle sand beds of Somerset” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1941) 87.2, 111 116
BULLEID, A, “Notes on the life and work of Thomas Hawkins” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1943) 89.2, 59 71
BULLEID, Arthur, GRAY, Harold St George, The Glastonbury Lake Village (1911 17)
BULLERWELL, W, “A gravimeter survey of the Ston Easton Harptree district …” in Bull Geol Survey Gr Brit (1954) 6, 36 56
BULLEY, J A, “To Mendip for coal Part 2” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1953) 98.2, 17 54
BULLEY, John A, “To Mendip for coal” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1952) 97.2, 46 78
BURROW, Ian, MINNITT, Stephen, MURLESS, Brian, ANDREWS, P, “Somerset Archaeology 1979: Westbury-sub-Mendip” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1979 1980) 124, 121
BURROW, Ian, MINNITT, Stephen, MURLESS, Brian, “Somerset Archaeology 1979: Exmoor, Wheal Eliza Mine” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1979 1980) 124, 134 137
BURROW, Ian, MINNITT, Stephen, MURLESS, Brian, “Somerset Archaeology 1981: Somerset brick and tile industry” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1981 1982) 126, 86 87
BURT, Roger, WAITE, Peter, BURNLEY, Ray, Devon and Somerset mines: metalliferous … minerals, 1845 1913 (1984)
BUSH, G E, “The Avonian succession of Spring Gardens and Vallis Vale” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1925) 6.3, 250 259
BUSH, G E, “The Avonian succession in the Woodspring promontory” in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1929) 7.2, 138 144
BUTLER, S, “Coastal change since 6000 BP” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1987) 131, 1 11
BYE, R A LOVELL, T H, “Proposed extension of the West Somerset mineral railway” in Somerset Ind Archaeol Soc J (1977) 2, 24 26
BYE, R A, TAYLOR, S G, The Brendon Hills iron industry the case for conservation (1974)*
CALLAWAY, C, “The zigzag course of the Cheddar Gorge” in Geol Mag (Feb 1902) 9, 67 69
CALLAWAY, C, “Excursion to Cheddar” in Proc Cotteswold Natur Fld Club (1903) 15, 79 80*
CAMERON, A C G, “Sarsen stones at Staple Fitzpaine” in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1908) 54.2, 153 159
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